
    Customer will send jar and receive apk.
    Customer can request up to 2 additional
    conversions of the same apps.

    The Basic service is tailored for mature
    production-ready applications


    Customer will send jar and receive apk, along with Android project environment. The project environment will allow the customer to make changes on the J2ME code and convert the jar independently (unlimited number of times).

    This option is the most used - the developer can continue to enhance the app, and debug, without a need to involve UpOnTek. Customer also has option to add Android code to project. The standard Android project is delivered to customer, so that the developer is independent to debug, test and deploy.



    This option is a combination of Silver option + updates and upgrades of DroidEngine.Usually used for customers that would like to have applications that are upward compatible - i.e. would like their apps to work on future versions of Android OS.

    Customers can receive upgrades and updates of the DroidEngine, so that they can continue to maintain the product on new devices.